In Donfectionery, From artisanal to technology, the processes of the current technologies used in Mexico and the rest of America are embroidered, taking as a starting point the basic principles of the chemistry of confectionery’s usual ingredients and its influence in manufacture of various types of products.

This book is structured in two parts. The first describes the characteristics, properties and technological functions of essential ingredients; Also, some properties and characteristics of other materials which are used for specific product groups, as well as other additives are addressed. In the second part, the most common confectionery products elaboration processes in Mexico are discovered, dealing with its manufacture with the most advanced, technified and traditional technologies.
Upon entering each of the pages of this edition, the reader will discover the importance of technical knowledge for production of excellent quality candies, in addition to the important role played by the practice. For this reason, all the chapters of the second part present proposals for formulations of different types of products, adding more than 60 options that will surely contribute to improving their excellence. This book is an excellent option for people who want to venture into this delicious world for the first time and for those who want to improve innovate from their knowledge.
Sale price:
– $ 645 MXN
– $ 50 USD + Shipping cost